Hello 👋 I'm Amira Deuraseh, a frontend engineer based in Malaysia. I have a diverse expertise in web development, programming education and creative media. Currently, my work focuses on building a unique web experience with WebGL, 3D and shaders to push the boundaries of digital storytelling.

I believe that teaching is one of the best ways to deepen one's own understanding, which is why I've spent the past four years as a private tutor, guiding students of all backgrounds through programming and computer science.

Beyong coding, you can find me behind the camera, immersed in filmmaking and content creation or diving into learning new languages.

Stylized Cottage

  • three.js
  • blender

Grid Floor

  • glsl
  • three.js
Sticker Mart Snapshot

Sticker Mart

  • react
  • framer motion
  • lenis

Work Experience

Programming Tutor

Various clients


Creative Content Producer

Various clients


Design Engineer

Sony EMCS Malaysia

2019 - 2021

Developer Intern

Sony EMCS Malaysia


Web Developer

SME Corporation Malaysia

2017 - 2018

Research Assistance

Walailak University (WU) Thailand